
Free templates, flash templates, html templates, website templates, Download all types of templates you need for free.


Flash Templates

Dreamweaver Templates

HTML templates

PHP Templates

Java Scripts


Flash templates, dreamweaver templates, html templates, php templates, java scripts, animation, all are available in templates for free. Here the templates are for the grabs, you can download them, edit them and it's all free. This website complies all the standard of website making. All the templates are free editable templates and you have full liberty of using them any way you want. Completly free templates are offered here, with more than 100 templates in our database, you will have many catagories. All the templates from many paid websites are made free here. This website complies the standard of all the website companies i distribution, so you can freely use this templates. Templates here are free 'As Is', you can distribut, modify and do anything with it except sell it, these are copyright templates which cannot be used in selling, but you can sell products using these templates, but you have no permission to sell the templates, free distribution of these templates is allowed. 'Templates for free' website is strictly against the use of spam and wares, please be aware of them, we at 'templates for free', have no spylink, mallink in our templates. It is the old generation, which used to bother their heads on topics like website design and stuff, the new generation is smarter, it uses templates and only concentrates on content.

Templates for free is completly based on helping people to develop their website, we have niche content too. Though we are not the only free website templates, but the risk with others is that there is a chance of spylink or mallink in them. The templates here are spylink and mallink free. We don't believe in promoting them either.

Only free templates are availabe in templates for free website. No sponsored template or spylink templates are added as we believe that the people should get good quality content. When you search this website, you'll only find good and quality templates. Flash templates, java templates, PSD templates, HTML templates, dreamweaver templates, all are available here.

Website templates:

They are prebuilt web designes, people have freedom in them. The person who is designing a website with a template is at ease than the person designing without a web site template, the reason is simple the person does not have to break his head over getting a good website framework, design, all he has to do is type his content. In today's world of small scale business and personal web pages, who has the time to design a website and them type in content, here they have two options, either hire a designers or use some template. Hiring a webdesigner costs money, but the templates from 'templates for free' is free and you can use them any way you want, so now do you see the use of using a template.

Beta Stage:

Templates for free is still in a beta stage, so you better hurry in downloading the template you want, other wise, you may be too late ( In the free part ). So you have to download them fast. This stage will complete it's beta stage soon, so hurry and download all the templates you want for free.

Advantage at 'Templates for free'

Free - Of course

The other website's give you free templtes, but don't tell or they don't give the files from which the image or flash can be modified. We give the .psd or photo shop document, you can open this using adobe photo shop and easily modify the text in the image.

Flash files, if you know some things bout flash, you will know the difference between .fla files and .swf files. The other template websites only give the swf file which cannot be modified, but we give .fla, flash movies that can be edited, to fit in your content.

Fast and relaiable - 'Template for free' only provides fast and optimised file's, there is no fitted junk in them, so that the opening up of the templates becomes slow.

No Spylink and adlink - There is no spylink or adlink in templates from 'Templates for free.

Templates made free - Templates that tear up your pocket are made free in 'Templates for free'.

We buy and distribute it for free.

Legal - The templates from 'Template for free' is completly legal.

Business templates - You can start a business website, using these templates.

Free development code - We give you the photo shop document code and flash movie, so that you can rewrite the text on the images.

Tools needed to use the templates

Macromedia flash - For flash templates only.

Adobe Photoshop - Essential tool for image modification, no need to download if you don't want to replace the original text content.

Any good html editor- Like dreamweaver, coffee cup pro, notepad.

Make websites like a pro, with out templates

We are in this business for years and we know how to make it BIG. In this website, you will find templates, that even a professional couldn't imagine of. The key of success in our website that theirs is that we don't rely on a few bunch of people, our designs are made or collected by many people, thus many ideas incorporate into one and a class website is the result. Many website do offer template for free, but they cannot be trusted, they palace secretive banners, ads, links and so on, that remove the good looks of the website. We don't limit you in any way. You can use our templates any way you want.

Easy content management in our templates

The key feature in the templates you can download from our website is that the content managemet in them are very simple. Where ever we have placed text or lorem ispium type of text you can change them to real content. Editing the images is also very simple as we give the photoshop document, you can easily edit the images. If you don't want to edit the images, the you won't need phototshop.

Are web site templates really needed?

If you are a small-scale business man and you want to set up a website or if you want to set up a personal website of some topic, will you waste money on web designers to design the website for you, definetly not. So you will take up the task of designing the website all by yourself. Now when in business or any personal page, you cannot spend too much time designing these templates, you have to give a lot of time to type in content. So to save money and time, you can simply use website templates. Templates are available for any type of website in our website. You can download these really cool templates for free. These website templates are of many catagories like flash templates, html templates, dreamweaver templates, php template and so on. There are also personal templates and business templates available in our website. Download these website template absolutely free.

No template requests please

Due to a large number of incoming requests, we will not accept any type of request to add the template you have designed as a freeware with your ads. Our main principle is to provide quality content to all and the template with ads are not concidered quality templates, so please don't send requests to add your template.


For any doubts on our templates, please email me at templateforfree@gmail.com

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